Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Chaz celebrated his first Easter with the whole family!!! Uncle Andrew and Aunt Veronica gave him some really cute sun glasses. He loves to cuddle in grandpa's arms. He weighed in at just 7lbs last week at his 2 month check up, and even though he is still a tiny guy he is really healthy and doing great. He is sleeping 4-5 hour intervals during the night and is just an amazing baby. Last Friday was our first official babysitting day since mommy had to go back to work. I have to admit it was "Good Friday" in more ways than one. I swear his cheeks must weigh at least as half as much as the rest of his body!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures and will continue to post more often as he is getting more of a personality and is alot of fun to play with, I would take more pics if I could let him out of my arms for more than a minute, he is a "cuddle bug".

The BARKER Family's 1st Easter

Baby kisses from Mommy

Granny and Chaz, Easter 2009

Auntie Vern getting her cuddles in, also Uncle Andrew and Rachel and Brett

I am going to start a new online photoalbum, a great idea I got from another very proud granny, (thanks Theresa:) that I will be able to upload to the blog, just another way for me to get more photos on. Hope all is well and hope you enjoy the pics!